Monday, October 6, 2008

Cassandra's new hair!

Cassandra got her hair cut awhile ago. Right before school started in fact. She really likes it. She won't let me touch it though. Maybe when she gets a little bit older she will let me style it for her! Also in these pictures I have Cassandras birthday. She actually got a cell phone at 13!! But it's a prepaid one, so she has to earn every minute she talks on it. We threw her a birthday party that weekend. There was a water balloon fight and lots of Guitar Hero. It was lots of fun!! I took cassandra down to the Tulelake fair a few weeks ago. She got a wrist pass and had a good time on all the rides. She enjoyed eating a candied apple too! I got to try a bite. It was mmmm mmmm good!!! Oh yeah. I made her a "cell phone" cake. It turned out pretty good I guess.


Straight to Your Hart said...

Love the cake...and the hair...and the tulelake fair..My oh, my what fun you are having..Happy Birthday Cassie and Hi to all...Miss you and Love you..Mel

sharon said...

The new hair is really cute, and makes Cassie look so grown up! The cake was really fun, and I am so glad she got to have friends over and go to the fair. Love you!!!

Unknown said...

That cell phone cake is awesome! What a good mom you are! I love her hair, although I agree it makes her look older. Bridger doesn't let me style her hair either, must be an age thing. Chloe would love it if I would.

Jaime said...

Hi!! I had no idea you had a blog and I love looking at pictures of your cute family!!